Therefore, our developed high concentration injection and electuary of boric acid glucal have many advantages, such as little stimulation, high safety and convenient, Besides, they also can quickly increase Ca2+ concentration in the blood and cure postpartum paralysis in short time. 由此可见,研制的较高浓度的硼葡萄糖酸钙注射液及冲剂具有刺激性小、安全、使用方便、能迅速提高血钙浓度、较短时间内治愈生产瘫痪的优点。
Three weeks after ablation, no sustained ventricular tachycardia was induced by programmed ventricular stimulation Meanwhile, the laser ablation of low power, long duration was more effective and safe with less complications than high power, short duration. 3周后,心室程序刺激皆不能诱发出持续性室性心动过速。低功率长时间照射比高功率短时间照射更为有效而安全,且并发症少。
The results showed that ARC stimulation could inhibit the nociceptive discharges of Pf neurons, namely, the immediate inhibition because of its very short latency and duration. 实验结果表明,电刺激ARC能抑制Pf神经元的伤害性放电,这种抑制很快出现,也很快恢复,称为即时抑制。
Methods Three methods, i.e. routine, metacarpal stimulation and short segment stimulation methods, were used to test the suspected patients with CTS according to clinical manifestations. 方法:应用常规法、掌刺激法、短段刺激法对43例根据临床表现怀疑为CTS的患者进行检测。
These results demonstrated that eukaryotic expression plasmid of Ghrelin stimulates growth by stimulation of GH secretions, but the growth promoting efficacy was short lived by the simultaneous stimulation of somatostatin secretion. 以上结果表明,Ghrelin基因真核表达质粒通过促进GH的分泌促进生长,但其促生长效能较短暂,可能是由于同时促进生长抑素分泌。
PCC6803 is able to grow on glucose in complete darkness with a daily stimulation of short and weak light, which is called light activated heterotrophic growth ( LAHG). 集胞藻PCC6803能够在微弱、短时光刺激的条件下利用葡萄糖进行异养生长,称为光激活异养生长(LAHG)。
Residual [ Ca 2+] I followed conditioning stimulation may cause short term synaptic enhancement. 兴奋后残留[Ca2+]i,可以激发短时程突触增强。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of biochemical tests ( GH stimulation tests, IGF-ⅰ and IGFBP-3) in short children suspected with growth hormone deficiency ( GHD). 目的以临床诊断作为矮小症患儿(可疑GHD)诊断标准,评估生长激素激发试验、胰岛素样生长因子Ⅰ(IGFⅠ)及IGF结合蛋白3(IGFBP3)对GHD的诊断价值。